Monday, May 11, 2015

Beginings of WWII

The question of when and why World War II began has been a passionate debate for years on end.Many have argued that it was basically a continuation of the First World War witch ended November 11th 1918. Although WWII didn't start until 1939, some say the aggression towards the war started when Japan seized Manchuria fro china. other causes were most definatley Italy's invasion and defeat of Abyssinia, and Adolf Hitler's re-militarization of Germany.

The two dates that often come to mind wen Wold War II is mentioned are July 7th 1937 and September 1st 1939. These dates go back to when a prolonged war between China and Japan and when Germany invaded Poland, which eventually lead to Britain and France declaring war on Hitler's Nazi state in relation. 

Multiple nations were at war with each other fighting for their allies, and or the Axis. 

Adolf Hitler

Adolf was the leader of the German Nazi's, and was the cause of over 60 million deaths.

Map of the aggression in europe

The map above exemplifies how Germany forced its way into Poland.

Jap's aggression in asia
Pearl Harbor
The Japs forced American into war by attacking Pearl Harbor. 

WWII Allied and Axis

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Great Depression

The Braddock coped with the Great Depression by:

1. selling their clothes
2. adding water to milk to make it last longer
3. limiting their portions of food
4. The dad gave the little girl his meal
5. Sold all their jewelry
6. works with a broke hand
7. they steal wood for heat.
8. moved into smaller home
9. don't have dental care
10. kids sleep in the kitchen

nysefloor.jpg (255970 bytes)
new York stock exchange

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men trying to get jobs

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poor family

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poor family camp

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communist poster

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Current Events

 Throughout the past couple months several terrorist acts have taken place in Iraq, Syria, and other Middle Eastern civilizations. The group responsible, known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is also responsible for the deaths of four US Citizens, this shows that they do in fact pose a threat to the United States. ISIL threatens to create a genocide, fight to seize territory, and conduct more terrorist attacks internationally.President Obama is taking action against this terrorist organization: an Anti-Isil coalition, most importantly the allies of the US in the Middle East and North Africa who have not already taken action are working to cut off the funding of ISIL. 

where ISIS is located

Obama addressing Th (cr)isis

Victims of isis in orange

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Effects of the Prohibition

Prohibition changed the society from 1920 until 1933. This was due to the fact that people who were religious saw alcohol it as the "Devil's Drink", and they didn't want people to die from it. The manufacturing, sale, and the transportation of any alcoholic beverage was band. Many countries and the United States adopted it in 1920. Citizens did not agree with the new law and they started  drinking illegally. This lead to people called bootleggers to bring  alcohol illegally into the United States.They created the speakeasies, who were the ones who brought the alcohol and sold it to illegal stores and nightclubs. Here, people that wished to consume alcohol would go to do so. People tried to keep it a secret because if the police found out about the illegally consumption and distribution or the alcohol they would confiscate it and people would get arrested and fined . People were tired of this so they started marching on the street for the Prohibition to be repealed. It was repealed in 1933.

Bonded whiskey warehouse
Beer Barrels
Bottle of bonded medicinal whiskey, "For Medical Purposes Only"
a way for people to get alch legally

Chicagoans celebrate the repeal of Prohibition at the Congress Hotel.

Citizens of Detroit heeding a "last call" in the final days before Prohibition went into effect
Last chance for people to get alch before prohibition

Flapper carrying a whiskey flask in her garter
even women tried to smuggle it

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

War horse Dramatic!!!!

War Horse

The movie war horse was an emotional roller coaster. The scene when the dad is about to shoot joey and the bot stop him and they all cry is a very intense part of the movie. The boy beileves in joey and put his heart and soul to take care of him. He is very compassionate. when they reunite it is like you are connected to them and feel what they are feeling.


The movie War Horse has lively and graphic scenes that catch the audiences eye. There are many factors that help to make the movie so discreet it feels as though you are connected to the characters and are in the scenes that are taking place.  For instance, The music played as te horse "joey" plows the fields makes you feel as if you are in that moment accomplishing something with him. Also the outfits they wore also brought out the time period they were in. The sunset at the end was breathtaking. The way the camera was able to capture the lighting was impeccable. Also when the war was taking place the sound of the bombs and guns were so distinct you felt like you were fighting in the war.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

USA and Philippines

After its defeat in the Spanish American War of 1898, Spain released its longtime colony of the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris. On February 4, 1899, just two days before the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty, fighting broke out between American forces and Filipino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo who sought independence rather than a change in colonial rulers. The ensuing Philippine-American War lasted three years and resulted in the death of over 4,200 American and over 20,000 Filipino combatants. As many as 200,000 Filipino civilians died from violence, famine, and disease.

The United States hoped that they could make a governing nation out of this place and not just a country under Spanish rule.  The United States allowed the Philippines a simple form of independence with the Philippine Organic Act of 1902. The act established a Filipino Constitution which got rid of the island's Spanish political presence, including the Roman Catholic Church. Multiple acts and treaties after granted the Philippines complete independence.

The United States donated over 80 million dollars in relief efforts and also sent multiple soldiers and refugee assistants down to help with damages. 

Picture 4 shows how devastating this natural tragedy truly was. It exemplifies all the debris of what was once peoples homes. Picture 4 also shows a boy standing in the middle of what was left after the storm, probably wondering what his future held now that everything he once had was diminished before him. 

Picture 6 is really an astonishing example of all the simple, yet traumatizing damage the people faced. It shows hundreds of coconut trees uprooted laying on the ground looking as if they were shot down at war. It truly is astonishing how many trees can exemplify such great damage.

the philipians

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Spanish- American war political propagada cartoons

 The Spanish- American war was a war in 1898 between the United states and Spain. The results of the war was that the Americans and the Cubans pretty much won the war. The Cubans won the right to be an independent country away from Spain, and the US was now free to own Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that little or no legitimate well-researched news. Propaganda is information of misleading nature used to promote or embarrass a particular political cause or point of view.

Shows different cutures celebrating the us freedom even though they dont have it

Shows that Spain is defeated

This image is exemplifying how he is a coward


The progressive era was a period of social activism and political reform. Muckrakers are reform mined journalists who exposed misconduct.

George Creel

George Creel was the president of the U.S committee on public information. His major works constisted of "Quatrains of Christ" and "Children in Bondage" 

Lincoln Steffens

Lincoln Steffens covered government and political corruption. His majior works inclded "The Shame of Cities" and "The traito State". 

Ray Stannard
Ray Stannard, also known as David Grayson, covered the Pullman strike, he wrote two autobiographies called "Native American"(1941), and "American Chronicle"(1945)

W.E.B Dubois

W.E.B Dubois mainly focused on Civil rights. His main works included "The souls of Black Folks" and "Black Recostruction in America"
Jane Adams

Jane Was Part of the settlement house movement. She worked on "Twenty years At Hull House" and "Democracy and Social Ethnics"